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Thanks to @ScratchFoxBot for helping me to make the codes ready for the bookmarklet and the bookmarklet itself

Create a bookmark and paste the following code in to the URL section.(Make sure that you removed the webpage URL from the bookmark before pasting this.)


1. If your username is shortened to

userna... or something similar then it will show [0 cats]. Try this is your profile page to see the real amount.

2. Can fail to display amount of cats if

there are so many usernames.

javascript:/* Made by ScratchFoxBot ( )*/{var dictionary = {}; var list;function define(ele){ele.innerHTML = ele.innerHTML.replace(/<span style="color:rgb\(66, 226, 173\)"><b> \[\d* cats\]<\/b><\/span>/g, "");var name = ele.innerText.replace("by ", "").replace("@", "").trim().toLowerCase();if (dictionary[name] === undefined) dictionary[name] = [];dictionary[name].push(ele)}if (window.location.hostname == ""){if (document.getElementsByClassName("user-name dropdown-toggle")[0] != undefined){ define(document.getElementsByClassName("user-name dropdown-toggle")[0]);}else if (document.getElementsByClassName("profile-name")[0] != undefined){ define(document.getElementsByClassName("profile-name")[0]);}if (window.location.href.includes("users")){ define(document.getElementsByTagName("h2")[0]);}Users ="a"), function(x){return /\/users\/[^\/]*\/?$/.test(x.href) && !/^(avatar thumb vertical|avatar|activity-li|user thumb item|flex-row mod-comment-message)$/.test(x.parentElement.className) && x.textContent != "Profile" && != "comment-user" && !/^(creator-image)$/.test(x.className)});for (i = 0; i < Users.length; i++) define(Users[i]);{ Query(Object.keys(dictionary).join("+"), finalize);}if (document.querySelector("#comments > div:nth-child(2) > ul > div > span") != undefined){ document.querySelector("#comments > div:nth-child(2) > ul > div > span").innerHTML = "Load more<span style='color:rgb(66, 226, 173)'><b> (Won't Update Cats)</b></span>";}if (window.location.href.includes("") && !/(Logs)|(button)/.test(document.getElementsByClassName('messages-social-title')[0].innerHTML)){ document.getElementsByClassName('messages-social-title')[0].innerHTML = "<h4 class='messages-header'><span>Messages</span></h4> <button onclick='GetLogs(true,false)'>20 Logs</button> <button onclick='GetLogs(true,true)'>20 Logs involving me</button> <br> <button onclick='GetLogs(false,false)'>500 Logs</button> <button onclick='GetLogs(false,true)'>500 Logs involving me</button>"}}else alert("Run Cat Goggles on a page");function Query(usernames, callback){var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest;xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function(){if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) callback(xmlHttp.responseText)};"GET", "" + usernames + "/v2.3", true);xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");xmlHttp.send(null)}function finalize(response){var items = JSON.parse(response).items;var data = {};if (items != null){for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++){ data[items[i].account] = items[i].cats;}}var keys = Object.keys(dictionary);for (x = 0; x < keys.length; x++){if (Object.keys(data).includes(keys[x])){for (y = 0; y < dictionary[keys[x]].length; y++){ dictionary[keys[x]][y].innerHTML += (dictionary[keys[x]][y].parentElement.className == "info title" ? "<br>" : "") + '<span style="color:rgb(66, 226, 173)"><b> [' + data[keys[x]] + " cats]</b></span>";}}else{for (y = 0; y < dictionary[keys[x]].length; y++){ dictionary[keys[x]][y].innerHTML += '<span style="color:rgb(66, 226, 173)"><b> [0 cats]</b></span>';}}}}function GetLogs(limit, filter){ list = document.getElementsByClassName('messages-social-title')[0]; list.innerHTML = "<h4 class='messages-header'><span>Logs</span></h4>"; document.getElementsByClassName("messages-social-list")[0].innerHTML = ""; var element = document.getElementsByClassName("button messages-social-loadmore")[0]; if (element != undefined) { element.parentNode.removeChild(element); } var LogURL = ""; if (limit) { LogURL += "20/"; } else { LogURL += "500/"; } if (filter) { var userN = document.getElementsByClassName('profile-name')[0].innerText.match(/\w+/)[0]; LogURL += userN; } fetch(LogURL, {method: "get"}).then(async (response) => {if (response.ok) { var json = await response.json();var logs = json.items;logs.forEach(AddLog);} else {alert ("Couldn't get logs");}}); }function AddLog(item){ var message = item.log.replace(/\[\w+\]/g, replacer); var stat = item['status'].replace(/\[\w+\]/g, replacer); if (stat == "none") { list.innerHTML += "<li style='color:rgb(66, 226, 173)'>" + timeSince(new Date(item.time)) + " ago: " + message + "</li><br><br>"; } else { list.innerHTML += "<li style='color:rgb(226, 92, 66)'>" + timeSince(new Date(item.time)) + " ago: " + message + "<br><b>Cause: " + stat + "</b></li><br><br>"; }}function replacer(Rmatch){ return "[" + "<a href='/users/" + Rmatch.match(/\w+/)[0] + "/'>" + Rmatch.match(/\w+/)[0] + "</a>" + "]"; }function timeSince(date){ date = new Date(date); var seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - date) / 1000); var interval = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000); if (interval > 1) { return interval + " years"; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 2592000); if (interval > 1) { return interval + " months"; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 86400); if (interval > 1) { return interval + " days"; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); if (interval > 1) { return interval + " hours"; } interval = Math.floor(seconds / 60); if (interval > 1) { return interval + " minutes"; } return Math.floor(seconds) + " seconds"; }};void(0);

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